Friday, September 10, 2010

A Fascinating journey into the heart and culture of a reclusive religious community.
I Am Hutterite takes readers into the hidden heart of the little-known Hutterite colony in southern Manitoba where author Mary-Ann Kirkby spent her childhood. When she was ten years old her parents packed up their seven children and a handful of possessions and left the security of the colony to start a new life. Overnight they were thrust into a world they didn’t understand, a world that did not understand them.
Before she left the colony Mary-Ann had never tasted macaroni and cheese or ridden a bike. She had never heard of Walt Disney or rock-and-roll. She was forced to reinvent herself, denying her heritage to fit in with her peers. With great humor, Kirkby describes how she adapted to popular culture; and with raw honesty her family’s deep sense of loss for their community. More than a history lesson, I Am Hutterite is a powerful tale of retracing steps and understanding how our beginnings often define us.
Controversial and acclaimed by the Hutterite community, Kirkby’s book unveils the rich history and traditions of her people, giving us a rare and intimate portrait of an extraordinary way of life.
Well first things first, I have to admit that I had never heard of the Hutterites. I have for the most part always been fascinated with the Amish and the Menonites, but I had no idea that there were Hutterites. And while not exactly the same, they also live in communities and have similar beliefs.You can read more about them here .When the opportunity arose to reviews this book, I was excited, I love learning about different religions and cultures and ways of life and I was not prepared for how much I would enjoy this book.It did start a little slow and it was a bit confusing at times because the author uses a lot of the German language throughout the book, but I quickly overcame that and just sat back and totally lost myself in these wonderful people. They live simply and though at the time the author lived in the community they weren't much into the modern technology, I have since then read about how nowadays they do enjoy the things that everyone else does. Matter of fact, I found a great blog by a Hutterite lady, it's called "Pebbles in My Pocket".It was fun looking through her blog and seeing how the Hutterites live today and what has changed from the time the author's family and her as a child, lived as Hutterites.The book was very well written and it left me wanting to know more

Monday, May 17, 2010

move it and lose it

Well this last week has been a whirlwind I have been in Cleveland for job training, I got the job I will be doing Car Repossessions once again.

Last week eating was way off one day all I had was a bite of ham fried rice and that was it other than coffee and water

I have been on an exercise kick latly I have been doing the wii on the bikes with the kids and swimming and of course walking each and everyday.

I started out this campaign at 269.4 I am now at 253.6 for a total loss of 15.8 wow
Left: 12 inches
Right: 12 inches
Bust: 50 Inches
Hips: 49 Inches
Waist: 50 Inches
Left: 26 Inches
Right: 24.5 Inches

Monday, May 3, 2010

move it and lose it challenge

So I am late as usual on the post LOL

I am having a great week so far I am into sixe large or Xlarge bottoms and that is great, I used not to fit in XXLarge YAY!!!

I have been riding one mile + a day with the kids for the last 3-4 days.

I have been drinking tons of water.

My weight loss is pretty steady.

Like I said last week I need to journal my food.(I'm having a hard time with this one)
Also EARTH_FOOTWEAR is the sponser this week, I can not tell you how bad I want a pair of Kinetics Love them

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Move it and Lose it Challenge

This week was better than last week, no hosptial for me woo hooo.

My water intake has remained about the same as last week just a day or two that I didn't get in enough water.

I have been using my EAS_ACTIVE, which I love so much.

Eating is another thing I feel like I am hungry all the time but by the time I make something I no longer want it.(strange)

I still want to log my food that I eat.
We ofund some awesome snack foods that we love Chiquita_Bites I love the Pineapple with coconut yum-o and my kids are loving the apples and grapes, it is so easy to take them in the car or to the park or anywhere really. They trully arein the words or Rachel Ray YUM-O!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

mamavation monday move it and lose it

This week has been screwed up. I ended up in the Hospital with and appendix attack last thursday and friday.

I have uped my water intake to at least 80 ounces of water a day. I also have set goals to drink at least 5 ounces and hour.

Eating has been really good I found some wonderful veggie slaw with a sprinkling of turkey bacon yum-o!!!!

Exercising is another thing i have been using my EAS_Active. I love the jumping rope!!

Also there is something called better_n_eggs., I would love to try this product as I am trying to live healthy.

And now what you all have been waiting for.......

Monday, April 12, 2010

Update on my Mamavation Post

So I forgot to add my photos for Move it and Lose it, so here they are.

Now here are pics form January.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mamavation Monday Move it and Lose it

So were are at the begining of another Mamavation_Mom_campaign I am lucky enough to be in the Move it and Lose it campaign.The applicant that loses the highest percentage of body weight during the seven week campaign will win $500 and a pair of shoes. The second place winner will also win a pair of shoes.

So I am at 269 this week not great at all I did not loose.

I am getting in 70-80 ounces of water a day which was one of my big challenges.

I rode bikes with my kids today for the very first time!!!! ( which is HUGE HUGE HUGE!!!)
I have also been checking out Subway. I have sucessfully been able to eat a half of a kids meal sandwich, but I love their tuna and would love to try their new breakfast melt.
As always my challenge is still exercise but I am hoping that will be better now that I won an EA_active. Thanks so much.
Now on to the measurements

Left: 14 inches
Right: 13.5 inches
Bust: 51 Inches
Hips: 53 Inches
Waist: 51 Inches
Left: 27.5 Inches
Right: 26 Inches

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mamavation Monday 4/4

Well it is Easter Sunday, where has all the time gone too????

I am getting very excited for the finalist announcement tomorrow night on Mamavation_Monday.

I have already put in my application.
If you support me in what I am doing please tweet this out. "Hey @bookieboo! I want @southeasttxmama to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!"

So I am down to 268.1 pounds yay!!! I watched my first Mamavation video that I made and can tell that I have lost a ton of weight in just my face alone.

The water thing has really been going good this week!

I am doing 7000 steps a day on average!

I am alot more active with my kids.(playing at the park, walking the neighborhood ETC)!!!!

I would really LOVE an EAS_Active to workout with!!!!!!!!

We already have a Wii but I haven't really found any games that I am in love with yet.

I am still struggling with getting in all the foods that I need to eat in a day.

I would also like to add-on some weight training in the mix.

Can ya'll tell a differance in my face??

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Mamavation application

So ladies here you have my Mamavation Vidoe Application. If you support me in what I am doing please tweet this out. "Hey @bookieboo! I want @southeasttxmama to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mamavation Monday

This week was better than last weeks that's for sure!!!

The almonds are working great for me. They keep my protien levels up and are quite tasty if I do say so!!!

I am down to 270 now for a total of 69 Pounds since Dec 14 2009 and I could not be happier!!!!!

I went to the park last tuesday and played on all the equipment with my kids and never got short of breath or tired!! That alone is a huge plus in my book!!!

I got in at least 6500 steps each day last week that is not including the time we have spent at the park!

I think one thing that I need to work on is logging my food daily.
That I have yet to do..

I am excited about the earth_footwear giveaway monday night on Mom_T.V.

I have never wore a pair of these and wouldlove to win a pair!!

I hope all of you ladies out there have a great week!!!